With our Corporate HQ being in Lake Tahoe, we love giving back to our local community and teaching Coding & Ai Learning straight from Silicon Valley!
After moving our Franchise HQ to Stateline NV/CA Lake Tahoe in 2020, we noticed the tremendous technological gap in local kids compared with kids from other areas - our Lake Tahoe kids are drastically falling behind in STEM/Tech.
We LOVE all the options for Lake Tahoe Summer Camps but as Teachers First, we’ve experienced that most Summer Camps are “Jack of all trades, Masters of None”. Here at CodeFu, we specialize ONLY in teaching kids coding through social development while introducing the hottest new TECH resources available on the market and pride ourselves as classroom teachers first.
Our Company was founded in San Francisco, CA by our CEO in 2015 who has spent over 15 years in the Elementary and After School/Summer Camp Space. Having the opportunity to teach over 10,000 kids to code, this unique and limited opportunity will also connect local kids to visiting ones from the Bay Area/Sac/Reno who are either visiting the area or are second home owners.
“Thank you!, Ryan liked the class!
“Thank you Ausra! Sawyer really loved this camp. I think it’s his favorite one ever!”
“Thanks so much! He really enjoyed it!”
“Ausra. Thank you for working with Leo this week.”
Teachers First, Programmers second, we teach kids to code.
Here at the CodeFu Lake Tahoe Summer Camp for Elementary School Kids, we let our reputation as Coding for Kids Experts speak for itself. With over 250 Private and Public Schools across the United States serving over 10,000+ students - we pride ourselves in our concentration and specialty of teaching kids to code.
Click here to learn more about some of the amazing people that make CodeFu so unique
During Camp, Student’s will learn a variety of skills - from coding robots to create beautiful Summer Camp Lake Tahoe art, to building personalized websites about things that interest them about nature. Video Game lovers will have the opportunity to use python to code and create platform games like Super Mario Brothers.
Serving over 100 Schools in the San Francisco Bay Area, local and visiting students will get the unique opportunity to learn to code together!
*Food is NOT served, parents must provide snacks and lunch, NO PEANUTS*
No call, no shows are strictly prohibited and are not eligible for refund.